Lesson 5: Your Journey Matters

What You Will Learn

We’ve reached the final video of our workshop series, a truly exciting moment!

It’s been a wonderful journey, and I want to congratulate you on your commitment and hard work so far. This last video is designed to be a treasure trove of insights, focusing on providing you with actionable steps to ensure your success continues beyond this workshop.

In this video, I dive into strategies that will help you maintain momentum, overcome any obstacles you might face, and keep your motivation high. We understand that each one of you is on a unique path, and this video is packed with versatile tips that can be tailored to your individual journeys.

It’s all about empowering you to take control of your future, using the knowledge and skills you’ve gained throughout our time together!

Resources Mentioned:

  1. Edible Dosage Calculator
  2. Shop All Products
  3. View All Recipes

⇒ What did you think of this lesson? Have a question? Share your thoughts with the “Leave a Reply” box below.

Hello and welcome. I am your course instructor, Emily Kyle; thank you so much for joining me in this workshop!

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17 thoughts on “Lesson 5: Your Journey Matters”

  1. I was a little longer on this but, this has been super informative! Thank you so much and love knowing we can reach to you.

  2. Thank you for breaking this down to be understood without a degree. I am comfortable referring others to your site to be educated.

  3. Hi Emily, I first want to thank you for sharing your link to the workshop with me. I found the entire workshop to be very informative. I am still struggling to understand how CBD and THC work together. I have been using thc for over 50 years and about 3 months ago started cbd. I have only noticed subtle changes in my body, but decided to continue with cbd. It seems like they’re meant to be together. I would be very interested in a workshop on ECS. Thanks again.

  4. Thank Emily for such a great 5 days of learning. I really enjoyed it and it was very informative. Great job! Thanks for all you do.

  5. Really enjoyed the seminar. Very informative, also intrigued with private community. Will be looking into that this year. Thanks

  6. Thank you Emily for all you do for us! I love that you are so willing to give us the Right answers on the best way to use CBD. I need to find your Facebook page and join. Thank you again and many blessings your way.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing all of your wisdom Emily.🙏

    I am in Australia and have to pay $200 each time I see the doctor who specialises in prescription CBD AND THC ( only legal to take if we have a prescription for it🙄) and pay lots of $ for their products.

    I feel like I can have a much more informed discussion next time and be able to check I am getting the right concentration for the $ I am paying.

    Appreciate all you do in educating people re the benefits – I am disappointed it too me so long to find CBD.

  8. Can you suggest where we can purchase seeds particularly auto flowering.? You mentioned Northern Lights, OG, Kush and Hindukush. Could you describe these and what application they might work best for?

  9. Thank you for the shared knowledge. I use thc dominant strains for myself but for friends and family cbd is important for me to learn. I learned a lot. Thank you for educating me

  10. Thank You Emily, I totally enjoyed your program You were very professional, coherent, organized, informative and just a real pleasure to listen to. I’m not yet out of the woods by a long shot on how to do all of this but I am closer and thanks to you and your community I feel like I can at least know where to go to find my answers. I did purchase the Edibles cookbook now I just need to time to digest it no pun in tended
    Best of Luck to you and happy growing
    Bruce Aaseby


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