Welcome to The Cannabis Compass Course ?

Your purchase was successful; thank you for joining me in class.

What Will Happen Next:

  1. Account: You created an account during checkout. You can review the details of your transaction in your online account. Here, you can edit your password and account details.

  2. Course Access: You now have access the available training videos and course materials; click here to get started.

  3. Community Access: You now have access to the Well With Cannabis Community; click here to get access the forum.

  4. Log in: You will need to be logged in to access the course materials. You can use the login button on the menu bar whenever you are on the website.

  5. Email: You will get an email to confirm the details of your order. Look for the subject line: Order Confirmation ? You will also get an additional email welcoming you to the program. Look for the subject line: Let’s get started! Be sure to check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see them.

Cannabis Compass Course Mockup


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Thank you for joining me in class! If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email me: support@emilykylenutrition.com